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To say I'm tardy about updating here would be an understatement, these things happen though. I've decided for now anyway, I am not going to be reviewing books per se, rather will list books that I've read and think you might enjoy too. This is because I want to focus on firstly, sending my manuscript out to agents, and secondly, to concentrate on my current work in progress.  I hope you'll understand.

So, here are the three books I've  enjoyed recently and they are all very different. One of the reasons I'm highlighting these three are that the stories have stayed with me, leaving a lingering impression long after I've finished reading.  Books I continue to think about weeks, if not months later, is a good sign I reckon.


A book that lived up to the hype. I found a little frightening, particularly at night ~ though I do have an over active imagination. Nevertheless, the prose is so well written, evoking a chilling menace for the children involved. Twists and turns to keep you hooked. Keeps you guessing right to the very last page.

An original, beautifully written book. A poignant and unbelievably sad love story yet so life-affirming.  Bring tissues when you read.

A story of three sisters who become entwined in the 1930s rise of Fascism in Britain, as the threat of war looms on the horizon. Told partly in flashback, it weaves the lives of three families together as they innocently fall under the spell of Oswald Mosley. 

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