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I Need To Get Out More!

We've only been in Lockdown for four months and it feels like forever. My best friend and me were only saying recently it's like we've been benched from life, like some errant footballer that has to sit out all future matches and watch miserably from the sidelines instead ~ except we are all in the same boat with the rest of the world, aren't we? Missing terribly not being able to see friends, going out for lunch, the cinema, trips to the Theatre (we've had to cancel three weekend theatre trips already). Logically we know all this, weirdness, won't last forever but it has been hard. It's obviously been affecting me as last week I'd taken to photographing empty benches on my daily walk! They look so lonely and forlorn.

Still, life is slowly beginning to get back to normal, including a recent visit to the hairdressers. The joy of my hair receiving professional attention after my trimming it with nail scissors since April. It's a small salon and I was the only client there late afternoon ~ 'one in, one out.' My hairdresser was dressed as though for surgery rather than my haircut, and that was all right by me; she was following the necessary rules. Nevertheless it was weird having your hair washed by someone wearing gown and gloves and having a masked conversation. I too wore a plastic apron and own mask throughout and have to say after half and hour I was sweltering, but needs must!

Not the best photo's (sorry) but

my hair does feel restored. Plus

my hair has gone all curly this year

~ cue another posting about my hair

another time!

The other thing I braved was a trip to my local shopping mall. Although I did think twice about going as I hadn't been 'anywhere' since beginning of March. Was it really ok to start mingling with people once more? However I needed some essential items that couldn't be delivered, plus I really ought to be going out further than my local park or village shop (or do I? I'm still debating the issues with myself), if only for my mental health. What's the new government slogan ~ 'Go out, to help out?' The country needs my money apparently. It's funny how quickly we have adapted to new ways of living, and now its, Purse? Check! Keys? Check! Sunnies? Check! Face mask and hand gel? Double check!

I had my shopping list and knew what I needed to buy and where ~ I wanted to 'hit and run.'

Since my last visit, a 'keep left' system was in place around the mall, and shops had their own one way system to keep customers safe. No more dilly dallying! Some folk wore masks, and the shop staff that I came into contact with all wore masks or face visors, respectfully keeping their distance. They were to a person smiley and upbeat.

It was only when I got home that I realised how anxious other shoppers had been. People appeared unsure (fearful of making a 'social distancing' error, of not doing the right thing?)  Frowning, no laughter, no smiling. It had become a brave new world and I'm not sure that I like it. Maybe this time next year we'll look back and laugh at 2020, patting ourselves on the back for enduring this unexpected crisis with our renowned stiff upper lip. 

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